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About Traumsalon – Who Are We?

Berlin-based children’s book publisher Traumsalon edition was set up thirteen years ago now.

We are proud of the things we have achieved in that time. Our books are growing in popularity and are now part of everyday life in many kindergartens, schools, libraries and homes.

All our books are the result of close cooperation with experts in the fields they cover, but also with parents, nursery workers, teachers and – especially – children.

We love to promote reading. Mr Wolke (Sven Pawlitschko) and Mr Schreiberling (Rolf Barth) travel throughout Germany to encourage children to love reading, and to introduce them to the wonderful, colourful world of books.

We are always engaged in a conversation with children, listening to them, getting to know their worlds and meeting them wherever they happen to be in their development.

We are open to new things and forward-looking while remaining devotees the Gutenberg galaxy.

Rolf Barth




Geschäftsführer Traumsalon edition


Traumsalon edition GbR

Rolf Barth (Geschäftsführer)
10781 Berlin

Telefon: 0170 903 9404


RUNGE Verlagsauslieferung
Bergstraße 2
D-33803 Steinhagen
Tel.: 05204 / 998 – 443
Fax: 05204 / 998 – 114

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